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Find a Rental in France

The network is still the best way; ask around (hosts, town hall, shopkeepers, doctors, …).

Otherwise I advise you to use the website Leboncoin (available as an application on some phones) to search for accommodation, select only the ads of owners.

Unfortunately, there are very few agencies that accept the files of Ukrainian refugees and the fees are high

First, do a simulation of your rights to housing allowance on the CAF website.

Find out about the FSL (Fonds Solidarité Logement) services of the department (the file must be put together by a social worker).

The sites are easily found on Google by searching for : FSL + the name of the department

If you are less than 30 years old or if you have a job (under conditions) you can benefit from a guarantor for free: https://www.visale.fr/

There are specific supports in some regions or cities, do a simulation on this site: https://www.aide-sociale.fr/simulateur-prepare-toit/

I advise you to do this before going on site and above all to be accompanied by an interpreter, so that all the devices are correctly explained to reassure the owner.

For the interpreter, ask the association in charge of accompanying Ukrainians in your area (or in the area where you are going). If you do not have the contact information of the association, contact the prefecture.

I advise you to do this before going on the site and above all to be accompanied by an interpreter, so that all the devices are correctly explained to reassure the owner.

For the interpreter, ask the association in charge of accompanying Ukrainians in your area (or in the area where you are going). If you do not have the contact information of the association, contact the prefecture. Click here to see the list of prefectures (at the bottom of the page showing the map).

If you need furniture :

If you require personal advice, please feel free to contact us.

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