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Festival of music 7 and 8 July

Would you like to have a great time with your friends or family?
Come along to the Festi’Grange: free admission, refreshment stands, food and drink, and activities for children.

The Place

La Grange aux murs de poussière

2525 route de Sie

81600 Montans

The Artists

John & Mary's

John & Mary’s are dotted dresses, suspenders, all mixed with rock from the 50’s to 70’s that will make you you move and spin in a rock and roll style.

So ladies and gentlemen, get your outfits ready and come dance with us !!!!!!!!!

Their Facebook page

Their website

TheGoat Cover

Cover’Band. Dav, JD, Philou, Samy, influenced by timeless French & English tunes. Bars, parties and festivals are our playgrounds.

Their  Facebook

Their Instagram


A professional musician polyglot, jOmO (Jean-Marc Leclercq) has played, thanks to Esperanto, in more than 30 countries on 5 continents (Brazil, USA, Australia, Japan, Morocco…) including 25 times in Ukraine, a country he particularly likes and in which language he sings. This evening he offers you a short trip to Eastern Europe where Cossacks Zaporogues sing, where there are Polish polkas, but also gypsy flights or Yiddish dances cross. 

Приготуйте танцювальні черевики (Bring your dancing boots).


International variety of all generations in acoustic.

We adapt ourselves to the requests, personalized repertory for your events

(wedding parties, bachelor or bachelorette parties, birthday parties, corporate events etc…).

We try to be as close as possible to the public and to make them participate in the event.

Wenes Playge

Five Monkies