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Job search in France

Before beginning the job search process, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1) it is necessary to secure accommodation for a period of several months.

2) You are required to have a residence permit that allows you to work in France.

3) The request must be initiated by the person. Even if the majority of Ukrainian displaced persons wish to find a job quickly, some of them are not ready.

How to proceed?

Several methods:

1) mobilize the network: friends, shopkeepers, the town hall,…

2) contact the companies that have posted offers. Look on Pôle Emploi 

3) Contact companies directly

Of course, the approach is not the same depending on the profile and the job.

In the so-called manual and craft trades, hiring is easier.

In the more intellectual professions, a good knowledge of French is necessary.

In all cases, there are measures that can be taken and that can be put forward to recruiters:

AFPR: a period of tutoring in a company where the person is paid by Pôle Emploi (generally 685€ for a full time job) and Pôle Emploi can pay 5€/h to the company for tutoring. The work contract at the end of the AFPR must be between 6 and 12 months. The company can pay a bonus (not subject to social security charges) to the person to allow him or her to have an income at the level of the minimum wage.

A presentation of the measure

A situation where we have implemented it

POEI: quite similar to the AFPR but with training provided by an organization. The work contract must be longer than 12 months

A presentation of the measure 

PMSMP: a period of immersion in a company. Attention: there is no remuneration. However, it is a great way to immerse yourself in the French language and to network.

A presentation of the measure

You can find videos on these measures on the Pôle Emploi page on YouTube.

We have accompanied and accompany Ukrainian displaced persons in their employment searches, often through their hosts but also directly and sometimes remotely. It is not complicated, usually it is enough to call some targeted recruiters.

We have a team of volunteers who support Ukrainians and their hosts in the process of re-employment. You can join our team of volunteers by completing this form.

The link to the article about finding a job in the hotel and restaurant industry.

The link to the article about telecommuting job sites for Ukrainians.